
The complete panelling, interior, floors, carpet, equipment of the galley, sanitary spaces, etc. are also carried out offshore by Kranendonk aboard oil rigs, platforms, etc. Kranendonk has more than 20 employees in various disciplines, all of whom are in possession of the required licenses to perform the work offshore. Our people stay on board the rig and work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week.

These work activities are carried out through our subsidiary, the OAC Group. BV. In fact, Kranendonk is a 50% partner in the Offshore Accommodation Contractors Group ( The OAC Group BV is formed by two parties, namely, C. Kranendonk BV and Heinen en Hopman BV. Together with these companies, the OAC Group BV is able to perform all work in the accommodation, aimed at the offshore market, namely panelling and interior, insulation, ventilation and air conditioning and electrical systems.

Ask us about the possibilities. We are more than willing to handle these types of activities for you.